既然這次是第一次在美國度過聖誕節,所以前陣子的FINAL作業剛好應景一下就選了拍關於聖誕節的主題"what is Christmas like?"主要是想傳達出人們對聖誕節的刻板印象跟另外一面大家不曾思考過的部分,每一組照片都是兩兩一組,來呈現一正一反或是兩種不同的聖誕景象,想要知道更詳細的創作理念就在下面這段囉~(不過內容是英文...懶得看的可以跳過....)
重點就是希望大家都能找到屬於自己的聖誕節,Merry Christmas!!!!
Artist Statement- What is Christmas Like?
Christmas is a European holiday that now is celebrated worldwide. Though it is very popular in many countries, most people don’t really understand the true meaning of Christmas. For some people, Christmas is only a good holiday for shopping and partying. Thus, I am trying to understand the real face of Christmas. Christmas is not only a happy holiday for shopping, but also have many meanings we need to explore for each one of us to understand the meaning of Christmas.
In the last hundred years European and Western ideals have had an enormous cultural influence on Eastern cultures. People in Asia are deeply influenced by Western culture, especially in some industries such as fashion and movies. Therefore, the Asian impression of Christmas comes from movies. Most Asians think that Christmas is a holiday for shopping and celebrating. Actually, I was one of them; however, I have become interested in discovering the more honest version of Christmas.
People always see the beautiful and magnificent Christmas scene, but ignore the other side of Christmas. For example, exchanging gifts is not just receiving and giving gifts, but also a good way to get together with families and friends. Every activity in Christmas has it own meaning, but most of time we just see it on the surface, and not in deeper sense.
If we observe the traditions and look deeper, we will see a different face of the events and celebrations that happen during the Christmas holiday. I hope that my photos graphs in showing different face of Christmas will help people find the true meaning of Christmas for themselves.